Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My random thoughts about Love and God.

So yeah, you all probably know all of this, but I was thinking about this the other day in class (I Not paying attention in class? Unheard of!)

Here goes...

Ground breaking stuff, I kid you not...

If God=Love, Love=God.

Yeah...I know.

Let me explain, if you would. (If not, you can get off my So, in the Big Book of Flossy Bawesomeness (aka The Holy Bible) it says "God is Love." No big shock, it's said that for a few thousand years, no bigs. But I was thinking about this. Can there be love without God? I mean...there ARE relationships that aren't God centered. Are they really "in love"? Also, who am I to say they aren't really "in love"? I have no idea. I can't say they aren't really in love, but I kinda want to know if there can be love without God. Also, is there a difference between what the secular world knows as "love" and the (BIG) Love described in the Bible? Please share your thoughts, they are appreciated!

All I know is, if God=Love, I want God in my relationship. That's just how I roll. Ya dig?




Kelly said...


So beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love is the most beautiful, rewarding, and self-sacrificial thing you can have with another person. With a connection like that, why does there have to be a middle man?

Nemo said...

God is everywhere, and in everything. Therefore He is in these relations, even if He is not acknowledged.

High Times in Apt. 210 said...

That's the perfect answer, lil Nemo. That sounds like capital T Truth to me. Thanks!

Peregrinus said...

I think that there are many different kinds of love. In Ancient Greek there are four words for love, all of which have very different meanings. ( C.S. Lewis did a great job breaking these ideas down in his book "The Four Loves" (, which I've read and highly recommend. Also, the CCC offers some excellent perspective on the matter. =)

Kori said...

To respond to Libbs, I think that each person in the relationship is the middleman, the conduit through which God and the other person express their love for each other.

Nemo said...

umm Kori.. that's an amazing answer. thanks for sharing

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Ted and I see our relationship as a triangle. At the there is ted and i, and there is God. We believe by having him at the center makes our relationship stronger.

High Times in Apt. 210 said...

That's awesome, Lauren! Thanks for sharing!